5 Important Things Catholic Women Don’t Do!

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5 Things Catholic Women Don't Do!

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As a Catholic, it is important to stay away from things that the devil is going to try and tempt you with. It is extremely important to stay vigilant! But be thou vigilant, labour in all things, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill thy ministry. Be sober”  (2 Timothy 4:5)
1. We don’t eat meat on Fridays. Jesus sacrificed His entire life for us on Good Friday, so throughout the year on Friday’s we don’t eat meat. What a small little offering to do when Jesus sacrificed HIS entire life for us. We are the miserable sinners, NOT JESUS! JESUS IS PERFECT! 
2. NO to NFP!!!! NFP stands for natural family planning. NFP is to postpone or avoid pregnancy. They are putting up boundaries when they use NFP, whether that be mental, physical, and/or financial. Whoever does NFP does NOT allow God’s WILL to be Done, but for their own will to be done.  Who are we to turn down God’s greatest blessings/miracles?!! Those who do NFP and any contraceptives are not trusting in God. 
3. No witchcraft, no yoga, no terror cards, no reading, and looking into horoscopes. As well as no watching scary demonic movies, no listening to demonic music, or reading satanic books like Harry Potter. All of these things will CALL ON DEMONS!!!! STAY AWAY from all of it! It’s all evil and from the devil. It will lead you on the wrong path towards Hell. 
God wants us to be DEAD to the WORLD and LIVE FOR HIM ALONE! 
Things that women don't do- Catholic- Women
4. We do not make the sign of the cross wrong! The Novus Ordo is short for Novus Ordo Missae, which means the “new order of the Mass”. It is not the Traditional Mass! They make the sign of the Cross by taking their right hand and going 1st to the forehead (In the name of the Father), then to the chest (In the name of the Son), and then to the left and right while saying: “And of the Holy Spirit.” However, they are making the sign of the Cross upside down!!! You are supposed to go down to your belly button, NOT TO YOUR CHEST when saying in the Name of the Son. 
5. No blood and desire! True Catholics do not believe in Baptism of Blood and Desire. What is Baptism? Baptism is a sacrament and it is necessary for salvation. We need to be washed away from our original sin from Adam and Eve when they disobeyed  God. Canon Law 1917: “1. Baptism, the gateway and foundation of the Sacraments, actually or at least in desire is necessary for all for salvation and is not validly conferred except by washing with true and natural water along with the prescribed formula of words.” Canon 737
Mother Mary with Flowers

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